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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2012

Can we compare 2012's 3D movies to early (2D) Technicolor classics?

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Over the weekend I bought the Blu Ray for the gorgeous film  The Red Shoes . Since its restoration in 2009, it has grown in its reputation amongst cinephiles, so the movie's remembered as a Technicolor gem. The colour used is painterly in tone, with vibrant reds that seem to pirouette off the screen. Glorious hues and fluid movement in a film like The Red Shoes remind us that 3D isn't needed to make movies seem 'alive'. I mention this, because regular reader Andy tipped us about a great Tumblr post written by Rian Johnson . The post is partially about the "polarised polemic" being used in the 3D "debate". Johnson's opinions are worth considering, because he's a good director and writer (he made indie-hit Brick, followed it up with the under-seen Brothers Bloom , and he's about to kick our asses with the upcoming Bruce Willis / Joseph Gordon-Levitt time-travel thriller, Looper) . Anyway, Johnson suggests that we should frame...

How good is the 3D in Prometheus? (spoiler-free!)

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Prometheus is the most eagerly awaited sci-fi film since Inception. Geeks around the world have been losing their mind with the release of each new trailer, and it's subsequently taken on "Event Film" status. Despite all this, Prometheus is saddled with a lot of baggage. It's Ridley Scott's first science fiction film since Blade Runner;  it may-or-may-not-be a prequel to Alien ; it's Fox's biggest film since Avatar ; it's Scott's first 3D movie; it's hopefully Michael Fassbender's home-run performance and.... well. You get the picture. Let's put that all aside, and focus on the 3D. Because this article's aimed at people who haven't seen the film yet, I'll try and keep it relatively spoiler-free. If you want the experience to be completely pure though, disconnect the internet, and run to the nearest big screen you can find! Native 3D: 3Defence has already written an article about how Prometheus was shot in...
