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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2012

How's The 3D in 'Bait'?

Hình ảnh
Background: Bait asks the question none of us were asking: what would happen if you were trapped in a supermarket, after a tsunami... with a great white shark? Any self-respecting fan of B-movies already knows the answer to that question though: death, and lots of blood. Bait 3D caps off a year of 3D films like Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, Piranha 3DD  and Frankenweenie  that take the idea of 'high-concept' to ludicrous ly brilliant  extremes. Indeed, Bait went on to become the highest-grossing Australian film released in China, so this type of 3D cinema is likely to continue. Native 3D: Bait  was filmed in Australia by many of the people who shot the Second Unit photography in films like the Matrix trilogy and Superman Returns . Despite its many and varied challenges under-water, they filmed Bait in Native 3D. Until now, shots like the ones they pulled off have been considered one for the 'too hard' basket. Water photography has al...

The Hobbit Frame Rate... Explained in FAQ Form

Hình ảnh
If you're reading this site, you're probably savvy enough to understand what it means to watch a film with a higher frame rate. If you're interested in a real discussion about the shift in projection technology represented by the first Hobbit ( An Unexpected Subtitle Journey ), then read our post on the matter . If, however, you want a corporate-styled explanation, then feel free to read the officially released briefing below (click the image to expand)
